Hi welcome to 1GAM, September edition. If you're just joining us, welcome! You can start anytime, and if you only make one or two games all year we'd still love to have your game posted on the site. Remember, #1GAM is for practise games. Tiny game jam experiments - workouts to strengnthen your gamedev muscles. We do not demand perfection. If you've been with me on the crazy journey since the beginning, I want to humbly thank you. September's 100% option THEME is: HEXAGONS Hexagons and games go hand-in-hand. They evoke thoughts of strategy, tactics, and mind-candy. Visually, they tesselate beautifully, like gemstones or a honeycomb. They aren't just for strategy games: imagine a platformer with the sprite grid made up of hexagons: you could have hills and ramps! In gaming, hexagons are often used in board games to give maps less of a grid feel. From wargames and world maps to puzzles and dungeons, the humble hexagon opens up an infinite variety of visual, mental, and physical gameplay experiences. Hexagons aren't just for video and tabletop games: I hope to see at least one game with a soccerball in it too. Whatever you do, remember that 1GAM is for FUN. There are no rules. Just do what you want. Make games. Make something small and simple. Well, now you have your SEPTEMBER QUEST: Try to put some hexagons in your game. Have fun and good luck!